1. Utah Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP): Offers financial assistance to low-income households for heating and cooling costs. [Utah LIHEAP](https://jobs.utah.gov/housing/scso/heatinassistance/index.html)
2. Rocky Mountain Power - Home Energy Assistance Target (HEAT): Provides financial assistance for heating bills to eligible customers. [Rocky Mountain Power HEAT](https://www.rockymountainpower.net/res/sem/heat.html)
3. Dominion Energy - EnergyShare Program: Assists customers with paying their energy bills, including heating and cooling costs. [Dominion Energy EnergyShare](https://www.dominionenergy.com/energyshare-utah)
4. Utah Community Action - Utility Assistance: Offers assistance with utility bills and other basic needs. [Utah Community Action](https://www.utahca.org/)
5. Five County Association of Governments - LIHEAP: Provides energy assistance services in the Five County region. [Five County Association of Governments](https://www.fivecounty.utah.gov/)
6. HEAT Watch Program: A component of the HEAT program that assists eligible households in crisis situations. [HEAT Watch Program](https://jobs.utah.gov/housing/scso/heatinassistance/watch.html)
7. Utah Department of Workforce Services - Emergency Assistance: Offers emergency assistance for eligible households facing utility shut-offs. [Utah DWS Emergency Assistance](https://jobs.utah.gov/assistance/)
8. Utah Homeless Assistance Program (UHAP): Provides assistance to individuals and families experiencing homelessness, including support with utilities. [Utah Homeless Assistance Program](https://jobs.utah.gov/housing/scso/uhap/index.html)
9. Catholic Community Services of Utah: Offers emergency financial assistance, including help with utility bills. [Catholic Community Services of Utah](https://www.ccsutah.org/)
10. Community Action Services and Food Bank: Provides assistance with utilities and other essential needs. [Community Action Services and Food Bank](https://communityactionprovo.org/)
11. Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD) - Emergency Respite: Offers emergency assistance for individuals with disabilities, including help with utilities. [DSPD Emergency Respite](https://dspd.utah.gov/)
12. Salt Lake Community Action Program (CAP): Provides a range of services, including utility assistance, to low-income individuals and families. [Salt Lake CAP](https://slcap.org/)
13. Utah Legal Services - Utility Assistance: Offers legal assistance and resources for individuals facing utility-related issues. [Utah Legal Services](https://www.utahlegalservices.org/)
14. United Way of Salt Lake: Connects individuals with various resources, including utility assistance programs. [United Way of Salt Lake](https://uw.org/)
15. Uintah Basin Association of Governments - LIHEAP: Provides energy assistance services in the Uintah Basin region. [Uintah Basin Association of Governments](https://ubaog.org/)
Before seeking assistance, it's advisable to contact the respective organizations or programs directly to understand their eligibility criteria and application processes.