My heart is always full when we get messages like, "I just want to thank you so much for helping us out, thanks to you my kids have food. We still have not received our food stamp card. What you do is amazing, I just want to let you know that." I wish that we could take credit but to be honest we don't deserve any of the credit. We serve because we love God and we love His People. We serve without expectation and with love. We realize that not everyone can serve by giving out family food boxes or even care packages or help ministering on the streets but your prayers, your thoughts and your kind words empower us to keep serving and keep reaching those who are broken, displaced and underserved. We simply are trying to be obedient to what we know and believe to be true is that everyone has worth. Everyone has value. Everyone is loved by our Father in heaven. We serve because our savior gave his all for us and we want through our service to point others back to him by living what we preach and preaching what we live. We serve because of you. We love you all and are so grateful for the opportunities to serve you. Because you are worth it.
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